Salute the troops

Harley-Davidson has a cool way to say thank you to the troops for all they do so that we can ride free. Go to and get started, then check out the photos of Marisa Miller the American Bombshell
Also the H-D Museum Salutes Our Military
Saturday, November 7 – Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Join the H-D Museum as we pay tribute to the men & women who serve or have served in the United States Military. Renew your sense of pride for this great country Saturday, Nov 7 through Wednesday, Nov 11 with activities to commemorate Veterans Day. Weekend activities include: special tribute in honor of all WWI Veterans by St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy displays on WWI to the present war on Terror
demonstration by SJNMA Exhibition Drill Team interact with a live bald eagle on display at the Museum drop off your American flag to the Boy Scout flag collection
experience a flag retirement ceremony sign an H-D flag to be presented to troops serving overseas view military vehicles on display
and much more! All Veterans, Military Members and their immediate families get into the Museum FREE November 7-11 with valid identification.*