Burly BRAIDED STAINLESS Extended Cable/Line Install Kits for Softails
Apehangers don’t just bolt themselves on and in addition to choosing the correct height they want
matched extended cables, electrical and brake lines. How long should that line be? Should
throttle cables have a 45 degree bend in them? How do I route my clutch cable? All good
questions and all requiring some level of experience and expertise.
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Apehangers don’t just bolt themselves on
Unless you use a Burly Extended Control Kit, that is. Each kit is designed to mate a specific
height bar to your late model Softail. Available for 14”, 16” and 18” Apehangers and now offered
in a bright braided stainless finish. Burly has engineered each package to end the guesswork,
mismatched lines and floppy cables by including extended throttle cables, extended clutch cable,
extended brake line and even wiring harness extensions specific to the year of your bike and the
kit includes instructions to help walk you through the install. Fits most 2000-2013 Softail models.
Go over to http://www.burlybrand.com for more info.