Build Your Own Custom Motorcycle – Meet The Librarian
Build Your Own Custom
So there you are, relaxing in front of the TV and watching one of those bike-building shows, or maybe flipping through the pages of your favorite rag (such as HOT BIKE), and the idea suddenly hits you like a frying pan upside your head: You want to learn how to build a bike. You go, you do-it-yourselfer, ’cause Wolfgang Publications has your back with its Advanced Custom Motorcycle Assembly & Fabrication Manual.
You can expect to find in this manual less “buyer’s guide”-type material and more hands-on, step-by-step assembly, with more than 144 informative, photo-intensive pages and 400-plus color photos to help you. But wait-there’s more. This book offers help with planning the project, getting the right look, and assembling that custom bike you’ve dreamed about for years. This manual also includes three start-to-finish bike builds: Two of these assemblies are from industry icons Dave Perewitz and Donnie Smith, while the third is from the author, Tim Remus. Folks, don’t dream about it-do it. You can find this manual and more by checking out, or by calling (651) 275-9411.
Jason Pullen Stunts on a Harley
“It’s kinda like ballet, except you’re on a 650-lb motorcycle,” said Jason Pullen, aka J. Bling, in an interview on his DVD, Jason Pullen Stunts. That’s right-650 lbs-on an H-D FXR, nonetheless. But Jason’s main stunt competition bike is his Sportster. Seeing is believing, and his DVD will make you a believer.
One of Jason’s goals is “to be well known all over the world as the best Harley stunt rider and to amaze people wherever he rides.” You don’t see too many stunters on an H-D, so watching some of his sick tricks on his DVD-wheelies, circles, stoppies, no-handed scrapers, and more-may leave you, well, amazed. Jason’s been stunt-riding Harleys for about two years, but after watching this DVD, you’d think he’s been doing it his whole life. See for yourself; this DVD is also kid-friendly-nothing X-rated. For more information, including show schedules and video teasers, check out or