Bye for Now

John Zamora reflects on his time with Hot Bike.
Hot Bike
The day has come for me to step down as editor of Hot Bike magazine…sort of. In order to better utilize our staffing in a struggling market for all media—not just motorcycles—we have reorganized the way we do business at Bonnier Corp., our parent company. In that reorganization, I will now be leading a team that handles all the social media for all Bonnier Motorcycle Group brands. That’s where the “sort of” part comes in.
After more than four years working on Hot Bike, many of you have become like family to me. I’m a pretty weird dude in person, and those of you who get me tend to like me. Those who don’t can go…just kidding. I’ve traveled all over the United States and seen most of this country thanks to the awesome experiences like the Hot Bike Tour. I’ve gotten the opportunity to ride almost every type of V-twin I’ve wanted and been the envy of all my non-media friends.

“I’ve gotten the opportunity to ride almost every type of V-twin I’ve wanted and been the envy of all my non-media friends.”
Hot Bike
I’ve managed to shoot 85 magazine covers and thousands of features, and I’ve written countless stories throughout my 11 years as an editor. I’ve kicked back more than one frosty beverage with lots of you and probably talked your ear off about bulldogs, lowriders, and more beer. I’ve been fortunate to spend some quality time with many of you and gotten to know you and your families. If we have ever shot together, you learned really quick that my weirdness tends to fade away when I’m doing “what I do.”
I hope I left behind my stamp during my time at Hot Bike and helped open up the world to the lowrider style of motorcycles. I think it’s amazing to see features coming from every corner of the earth with the slammed bikes, wire wheels, and old-school paint jobs.
But before I get too tired of patting myself on the back, I want to say I’m not really going anywhere! I imagine I’ll still be clicking the camera, hiding at events, and popping up again and again like a bad rash. I’ll still be here helping Hot Bike and the other brands showcase the greatest stories and photos anywhere in the world. Hot Bike is the leader in all things V-twin, and this team is a village with Jeff Holt as the mayor.

I’ve traveled all over the United States and seen most of this country thanks to the awesome experiences like the Hot Bike Tour. No Ragrets.
Hot Bike
There are a few people I want to thank for making the past four years some of the best of my life: Jeff Holt, for being our leader at Hot Bike and always sticking up for us while allowing us do what we do best. It’s much easier to hide behind a leader than be the face everyone instantly recognizes. Trust me—I did my best to hide in the shadows and behind a lens! Robert Martin, one of a few unsung heroes at Hot Bike. Robert is personally responsible for making every page of Hot Bike look amazing and saving my ass on more than one occasion. Mark Masker, another true unsung hero. Mark has been our go-to do-anything guy who makes the Hot Bike machine run, and literally no one could pick him out of a lineup. Ed Subias, the king of social media. Ed’s been reinventing what can be done online every day while others are still trying to figure out how he’s got his content up, with videos, before the event is even over. While we are getting broken up into teams, we are still part of and always will be team Hot Bike.
So with this final editorial, spoken in an Eric the Actor voice, bye for now.