Cobra OmniPro App
Yorba Linda, CA - Cobra announces the next big step in electronic controls for motorcycles – and it’s as close as your smart phone! Used in conjunction with the award-winning Fi2000 PowrPro fuel-injection module, the new OmniPro App brings advanced features like traction control, theft protection, onboard diagnostics, weather forecasting, and super-economy fuel settings to Harley-Davidsons and Metric cruisers.
Taking full advantage of modern mobile devices, advanced GPS features, and tie-ins with online weather-forecasting services, OmniPro recognizes if a bike is being ridden on curvy terrain or in inclement weather, automatically and seamlessly triggering softer throttle response. If a rider is away from the motorcycle, OmniPro sends a text message warning of the approaching weather front and suggesting the appropriate riding gear.
“NASA fired John Glenn into low-earth orbit with less computing power than most of us carry in our purses or pants pockets,” said Cobra Special Project Division’s computer whiz Simon Router. The recent graduate of the prestigious University of Wossamotta explained, “With the OmniPro App and our Fi2000 system riders can benefit from that sophistication to make riding easier and safer. No longer is traction control the domain of high-end, high-performance sport bikes; now any motorcycle has access to this kind of advanced technology.”
In constant development for the past two years and with literally hundreds of thousands of miles in beta testing behind it, OmniPro has a myriad of other advanced features, one in particular that makes it right for today’s skyrocketing gasoline prices. Access SuperEco mode and the app recognizes when a bike is in top gear and at constant speed on level ground, cueing a far leaner fuel-air mixture that can significantly increase fuel mileage.
“In standard mode, Fi2000 monitors fuel delivery about 80 times every second,” said Router. “In SuperEco setting that jumps to 500 times per second. Results vary, of course, but at a constant 65 mph, we’re seeing an average bump in miles per gallon of about 35%. With gas approaching $5 per gallon, that’s like knocking $1 off the pump price, means that OmniPro could easily pay for itself on one long ride.”
OmniPro has the potential to do even more with optional plug-ins. By fitting Cobra’s accessory air-valve transponders, owners can quickly check tire-pressure readings with a simple scan of their cell phone. A rider can also determine fuel level, including distance to Reserve. If needed, the most direct route to the closest filling station is displayed on screen. Likewise oil level is given, as well as mileage until the next scheduled service and locations of nearby authorized dealerships.
In SysCheck mode, the motorcycle’s onboard diagnostics hardware is accessed, identifying any potential problem areas via a schematic display of the bike. If all systems check out, the bike can then be remotely started from as far as 50 yards away simply by pressing Start Motor on the OmniPro App’s display screen.
Advanced theft protection can be built into the system. Linked to crime-reporting sites, OmniPro alerts the rider if the bike is being parked in a high-theft area, and suggests safer locations. Additionally, once started, if the owner’s cell phone is more than 1.5 feet away from the bike, shifting from neutral automatically triggers OmniPro to shut the engine off, sound the horn, flash the lights, call the police and emit a locator beacon signal that can be tracked by law enforcement.
“The OmniPro app ushers in a new kind of motorcycling experience,” said Router. “Riders will be even more involved and engaged in their riding and their motorcycle than before. It’s the future made available today.”
Priced at $99.95, Cobra’s OmniPro will be available in app stores starting April 1.
Cobra products are sold exclusively through premier motorcycle retailers. Check our website- for a dealer near you, or phone 714-692-8180 for a free catalog.