Custom Chrome International Bike Show Series

Here is a break down on the opportunities for the inaugural Championship that will be held at the CCI Dealer Show. We are willing to work with ACCEL in any way possible to bring value and exposure to the brand at this event. Don’t forget, like the CCE event, the event in CA will be open to the general public on Sunday and that will be advertised in local print and radio.
Custom Chrome Dealer Show 2011 – “Custom Chrome International Bike Show Series, North American Championship” Powered by Partner
Sponsorship Value: $7,000 One (1) Available
- Your company will be recognized as a “Custom Chrome International Bike Show Series, North American Championship” Powered by Partner at the awards ceremony.
- Your company logo will appear on the awards stage backdrop.
- Your company logo will appear on all trophies.
- Your company representative will be introduced as the Bike Shows Powered by Partner and be invited to the stage for the Championship awards ceremonies.
- Your company logo will appear on all tech spec sheets next to the competing bikes.
- Your company logo will appear onsite event signage.
- Your companies name will be listed as the Powered by Partner on all US and International event PR .
- Your company name and logo will be printed on all promotional items and on our webpage.
- Your company will receive a free full page, 4/C ad in the “8.5 x11” – 2011 Dealer Show Program to be distributed to more than 1000 event participants. Deadline: February 4, 2011.
Custom Chrome Dealer Show 2011 – Individual Class Powered by Partner for the “Custom Chrome International Bike Show Series, North American Championship” **
Sponsorship Value: 3,000 Four (4) Available
**Classes available are: Championship, Modified V-Twin, Jammer and Custom Chrome.
- Your company logo will appear on the awards stage backdrop.
- Your company logo will appear on your Classes trophies.
- During the awards for your class, your company representative will be introduced as the class Powered by Partner and be invited to the stage for the class winner’s award ceremony.
- Your company logo will appear on the tech spec sheets for competing bikes in you class.
- Your companies name will be listed as a class Powered by Partner on all US and International event PR .
Action Plan Outline For Management and Development Opportunities
The Custom Chrome International Bike Show Series
Three unique categories of implementation must be satisfied in the management and development of the Custom Chrome International Bike Show Series.
1- International Series Management
-Global logistics
-Development of new partnerships with existing events
-Onsite management
-Onsite troubleshooting and logistics
-Series and event Marketing
-Development of revenue streams
-Pre and post event logistics
-Develop look and feel of each event in the series
-Competitor care
-VIP Attendee care and recruitment
-Bike specifications
-Involvement of worldwide, industry, regional and local press as appropriate
-Sponsorship marketing
-Sponsorship deliverables
-Series packaging with other CCI marketing tools i.e. Chrome/Edge etc…
- International Series Management is a retainer based engagement
2- US Event Management
-Onsite management, pre and post event
-Onsite troubleshooting and management
-Event marketing
-Development of revenue streams
-Pre and post event logistics
-Manage show layout
-Bike placement
-Engage local media
-Competitor care
-VIP Attendee care and recruitment
-Bike specifics
-US Event Management is a retainer based engagement
3- Series and Single Event Sponsorship Sales
-Identify possible revenue streams
-Develop sponsorship opportunities
-Series title sponsor
-Series presenting sponsor
-Individual event sponsor
-Class sponsors
-Develop sponsorship sales marketing materials
-Develop product contingency program
-Series and Single Event Sponsorship Sales is a commission based engagement