DEI Flexible Pipe Shield
Nobody likes getting burned. Whether it’s at the car dealership, the horse track, or on your right leg, feeling the burn sucks big time.
We build and use a lot of custom pipes, and sometimes heat shields, pipe wrap, and ceramic coating are just not enough to fight the heat.
Take for instance these two bikes: one a Softail with a twisty “hot rod” exhaust and forward controls and the other a Sportster with a high pipe and midcontrols.
Both of these bikes have rider issues with heat, so we decided to put Design Engineering Inc.’s (DEI) Flexible Pipe Shield kit to the test. The shields are made from heat-resistant textiles that have a snazzy carbon-fiber look to them. The units quickly and easily bolted to each of the bike’s pipes with two DEI-supplied exhaust clamps that come in the kit. Once the bikes were warmed up and ridden for a few miles in stop-and-go traffic, we noticed right away that these heat shields kept our legs cool and our pants from burning like the two pairs of jeans that had been sacrificed before we installed the Flexible Pipe Shield. Very impressive, indeed.
If you are in need of some pipe cooling solutions, you just may want to check out the offerings from DEI; we are sure glad that we did.
Design Engineering Inc.