Icon Airframe Sauvetage Helmet
We get to test a lot of gear around the office. That is usually a good thing, but it sometimes can be bad when our significant others are left wearing the hand-me-down of hand-me-downs because we’re too cheap to buy them quality stuff. If anyone has ever met my girl, they would know she is into animal prints in just about every way. When I saw Icon’s Sauvetage graphics on its popular Airframe helmet, I finally had to kick down some green and get her the pattern brain bucket. I have also been known to rock an Airframe design with some sick graphics, so I was confident the DOT and ECE safety standards would protect her lovely little head, and she was happy with the leopard print look. I would say that was a win-win all the way around, and I can finally throw away that junky old worn-out gear.
$375 rideicon.com