lets make it better
did you make Hollister this year ’08 ?
I want to start off by giving a shout-out to Seth and the team at Horse Power Promotions for putting on a great show. The hard work to bring back a great rally (after missing ’06) was seen on the streets this year. The streets were crowed with motorcycle junkies, crazy people, and a few (I don’t know what to call them) and venders looking to make them all happy with food and drinks and all things motorcycle. So keep up the good work Horse Power Promotions.
However on the other side, I missed a few things. I would like to see all the bikes back on San Benito St, allowing the bikes to ride up and down the street and fill all the side streets with the venders, like it was before ’06. If you have been there in the passed and you made it this year then you know what I’m talking about. And I miss all the cops——- oh wait what I meant was I miss all the cops doing something else somewhere else. So what I was asking if you had headed up north and were in the little town of Hollister what did you think?… and what do you think about the rally, amount of people, the bikes on the street, the girls seen on the street and what can be done to make it even better?…. I truly love Hollister and miss the good ol’ days. But the Horse Power team are doing a good job with what they have to deal with but what do you think can be done to make it the best? What do you think….