Miller Kicks-Off 6th Annual Welding Project Challenge

APPLETON, Wis. – June 15, 2011 - Miller Electric Mfg. Co. announces the launch of its 6th annual Welding Project Challenge: What Drives You?, a competition to showcase the welding skills and talent of anyone in the industry. Between June 15 and August 10, 2011, contestants may submit a project in one of three categories (easy, moderate, difficult).
Judges will select five finalists from each category based on the project’s creativity, quality of presentation and craftsmanship. Each finalist will win a ’64 Custom auto-darkening helmet from the Performance Series line as well as a pair of MIG welding gloves. After the finalists have been selected, the public will vote online to determine a winner for each category. Grand-prize winners will be announced September 23, 2011.
The grand-prize winner in each category will win their choice of a test3Millermatic® 211 Auto-Set with MVP MIG welder, a Diversion 180 TIG welder or a Spectrum® 375 X-TREME Plasma cutter.
For information on challenge rules and how to enter, visit