Sailor Jerry Presents Hot Bike Invitational Bike Build-off // Photo Gallery Update

Have you been keeping up with build progress of the Sailor Jerry Presents Hot Bike Invitational Build-Off invitees?
It’s easy, just search the hastag #hotbikebuildoff on Instagram and see what’s going down!!
Also search #baggersbuildoff for Sailor Jerry Presents Baggers Invitational Bike Build-Off that is going on at the same time.
About the Sailor Jerry Presents Hot Bike Invitational Build-Off: No TV drama, no two-wheeled sculptures that will never be ridden. Just a group of the world’s best bike builders competing in a true reality contest of both show and go. Yes, this August each of these chosen builders will have to hand build their most mind-blowing custom fuel-fed machine, but to qualify for the build-off they will also have to ride their creations 150-200 miles daily to be eligible to be voted upon.At each stop the builder’s bikes will be displayed and independently voted upon by you, our readers, via ballot boxes, making the playing field fair and square. There will be nightly build-off winners as well as a Grand Champion who wins the most total votes at the end of five days.
For more info on the GEICO Motorcycle Hot Bike Tour that the builders will be riding their creations on , go to