HOT BIKE Best of 2014 / Builder

Picking the 2014 Hot Bike Builder didn’t come without controversy. The editors locked themselves in a room for hours and went back and forth on who stood out the most in 2014. It wasn’t
necessarily that we had to feature all of their bikes, and it certainly wasn’t a race of quantity over quality, but at least one of their builds had to be featured in the pages of the magazine to qualify.
The Hot Bike Builder for 2014 is none other than Winston Yeh from Rough Crafts of Taiwan. Yes,Taiwan of all places. The fit and finish of Winston’s bikes are nothing short of world class. The word “artist” is often overly used to talk about motorcycles, but in this case it describes the
builder perfectly. Handcrafted parts are used extensively from steel, aluminum, and carbon fiber, taking the builds to a different level of class meets function. His welds alone are worthy of framing.
The Rough Crafts bikes just seem to flow from front to back with such depth and precession that nothing ends up glaring or overshadowing the entire bike. Watch for more of Winston’s builds in2015 to hit the pages of Hot Bike.
Check out more of Winston and Rough Crafts HERE