MSF, a good idea for safety

Something to think about, here in So Cal the number of motorcycle on the road has tripled in the last 18 months. Could this be due to the gas prices or the fact that everyone wants a bike? Even scooter sales are up… small and cheap easy to get around town.
Earlier this week I got an E-mail about the number of new rides at the DMV trying to get there motorcycle license (class-1M) some were around 17,000(men and woman) this was just a ruff number given by a DMV worker. On the other hand, as of January ’08 there has been 714 reported accidents and 381 have been fatality. After talking with a CHP officer (name not given)
one thing he had noticed was that about 60% of the reported accidents were new riders less than a year of ride time. He did want to say that after the reports were given; less than 20% of the motorcycle accidents were the rider’s fault. In most cases it was the car or truck that was at fault and said “they never seen the bike”. I bring this up to ask you the readers what you think is the real reason…..? Myself being someone who rides almost everyday I have seen a more bikes going down more then ever. In the past two weeks, every morning as I get ready to head into work I have seen on the TV traffic report the words or headline start with (motorcycle accident on the 0000 freeway) so is it the riders getting the short end of the stick because it is easy to blame them for the way we ride, or is it just the cop-out we hear from drivers not looking out. Just want to know what you think and tell us what you would do different….it is safe to ride motorcycles we just need to be extra careful, most cage dwellers are to busy doing something other then driving…
Be safe and tell me what you think…