T-Handles from Motion Pro and Cruz Tools

Motion Pro
Spinner T-Handle for Hex Bits
Following hot on the heels of Motion Pro’s 3/8 and 1/4-inch spinning T-handles is this 5/16-inch hex-drive T-handle. The head accepts most common driver bits and adaptors. A magnet inside the drive head holds drive bits firmly in place, and the 10-inch-long shaft has a narrow drive head profile, so it fits into tight spaces with nary an issue. Yes, with all of these features it is already a great tool, but the bearing-mounted spinner pushes it over the top for me.
$26.99 // motionpro.com

Cruz Tools
1/4-inch Powerdrive T-Handle
I am not lying when I tell you that T-handles are very convenient for all sorts of purposes. And they’re even more useful if existing sockets can be used. I carry Cruz Tools’ T-handle with me just about everywhere I ride due to its 7-inch length and sliding “T” that allows this chrome-plated piece of simplistic mechanical wonderment to fit in any pouch, sack, or backpack.
$16.95 // cruztools.com